ZELDA project Final Event in Bergamo (Italy) #TRAINING4INTERCULTURALITY The final event organised by Cooperativa Impresa Sociale Ruah will be held in presence on the 8-9th of April 2022. In the two-day event, participants will have the opportunity to take part in the main Final Conference of the project, enjoy an […]
1st Newsletter of the ZELDA project
#ZELDAEUPROJECT First Newsletter is out! Do you want to follow up on the project updates? Discover the aim of the project and the MCE method! What is Zelda project about? Meet the partners! Check it out HERE. Stay Tuned to discover the first results of the Project! #Training4Interculturality
Training for Interculturality – Discover the MCE method!
In the last forty years, Europe has become a multicultural, multilingual and pluri religious society. To cope with these changes, there is a need to develop intercultural attitudes to be able to manage the cultural differences that increasingly characterize schools, job places, social services and public spaces. However, intercultural skills […]
Download the project Info card
The main objectives of ZELDA project are to foster intercultural competences in different target groups by disseminating the Margalit Cohen-Emerique innovative intercultural approach thanks to training courses and multiplier events and to develop an intercultural approach in public and private life that can help to fight against discrimination, racism and extremism. Download the Info […]