ZELDA promotes the joint action of six organisations across 4 European countries (Italy, Hungary, Belgium and France) who will carry out a cross-disciplinary process leading to reinforce the professional competences of adult trainers by methodology transfer and by creating a strong professional network working with the unique, practice-oriented methodology of Margalit Cohen-Emerique.

Cooperativa Ruah, Italy
The Cooperative Ruah was set up in January 2009 with the main aim to foster the promotion of human rights and social integration of Italian and foreign citizens in the area of Bergamo. Through its work, Ruah also aims at fostering social inclusion in Bergamo area and to promote cooperation between institutions, public bodies, private companies and the third sector. The daily work of Ruah builds on three pillars: hosting society, cohesion and community building. There are four areas of inteverntio of hte cooperative: culture, living, asylum seekers and refuges and solidarity economies.
Website: http://www.cooperativaruah.it/
Artemisszió Foundation, Hungary
Artemisszió Foundation is a Hungarian-based independent private not for profit organisation, founded in 1998. Its mission is to encourage continuous dialogue and interaction between groups who are marked by cultural, ethnical and social differences and to foster their mutual understanding. The NGO is supporting the social integration of socially and culturally disadvantaged groups through developing and conducting intercultural training courses, educational materials and methods, integration projects and mobility projects for youth. Artemisszió gives training for teachers and social workers but also services for migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, disadvanted young people and Roma communities.
Website: http://www.artemisszio.hu/
CBAI, Belgium
CBAI is an association founded in 1981. While operating in a multicultural city, the organisation main aims are to build links between the Brussels citizens and legitimate the local community, fighting against all forms of discrimination and for society as inclusive as possible. CBAI is committed to intercultural action intended as an art of thinking and construction of bridges rather than walls, areas of interest and common identity, rather than the setting up of conflicts of civilization.
Website: http://www.cbai.be/
Elan Interculturel, France
Elan Interculturel is an organisation created by psychologists, researchers, trainers – most of whom were immigrants in Paris – who were interested in exploring and developing new methods to facilitate intercultural communication, collaboration and adaptation. The main objectives of Elan Interculturel are to create a better understanding of how diversity affects our life; to raise awareness of the resources inherent in diversity; to develop skills for individuals and organisations to benefit from cultural diversity and crosscultural transitions. To reach these objectives Elan Interculturel is offering several services: training, workshops, research, international collaborations.
Website: https://elaninterculturel.com/
CESIE, Italy
CESIE is a non-profit, apolitical, and non-governmental organisation based in Palermo (Italy) and established in 2001. CESIE is committed to promoting the cultural, social, educational and economic development at local, national, European and international levels. CESIE contributes to growth and development through the active participation of people, civil society and institutions, always valuing diversity. CESIE actively connects research with action through the use of formal and non-formal learning methodologies. The organisational structure is divided into 6 thematic units working in cooperation and managing activities in their specific fields: Higher Education and Research; Rights and Justice; Adult, Migration; School; Youth.
Website: https://cesie.org/
Diesis Network, EU
Diesis Network is one of the widest EU networks specialised in supporting social economy, social enterprise development and social innovation in Europe through the implementation of knowledge-based activities, such as training, project design, consultancy and advisory services, technical assistance and research. As a social economy enterprise, one of their focus is “Equality and rights” by promoting gender-based equality and human rights. Their projects are mostly transnational, addressing sustainable development goals and maximising social impact.