In the last forty years, Europe has become a multicultural, multilingual and pluri religious society. To cope with these changes, there is a need to develop intercultural attitudes to be able to manage the cultural differences that increasingly characterize schools, job places, social services and public spaces.
However, intercultural skills cannot be improvised as they need specific training and a self-reflective attitude. The Cohen Emerique’s intercultural approach invites trainers, educators, volunteers and everybody to live these cultural differences and shocks as an opportunity to become aware of everyone’s cultural points of view and to share them in order to promote dialogue and mutual understanding.
The main objectives of ZELDA project are to foster intercultural competences in different target groups by disseminating the Margalit Cohen-Emerique innovative intercultural approach thanks to training courses and multiplier events and to develop an intercultural approach in public and private life that can help to fight against discrimination, racism and extremism.
The project aims to achieve these objectives through six intellectual outputs:
- Framework of competences for trainers of the intercultural approach of Margalit Cohen-Emerique;
- Course Curriculum;
- Handbook: collection of sensitive zones;
- Toolkit of methodological innovations;
- Multimedia materials;
- Online training platform (Hub).
The first output will be ready soon. It is targetting trainers who wish to get trained in the approach developed by Cohen-Emerique in order to become proficient in delivering such trainings themselves. The framework can also fobe for institutions that wish to contract trainers to deliver trainings based on Margalit Cohen-Emerique’s trainings.